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MUA Pro Store

We are “Muaprostore” a beauty products and equipment company for professionals and non-professionals.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field of beauty, we are in an excellent position to welcome you now and online for the best service in Cyprus and Greece.

Our aim and purpose is to provide all you “beauty lovers” and “beauty experts” with the most sought after and quality beauty products.

Find us here: Website, Instagram, Facebook

The Discount

10% Discount for following brands: Kryolan Cheri Up Danessa Myricks


  • Any goods or service that is already discounted or on “special” cannot be discounted using the digital discount card (eg set-price menus and banquets)
  • It can only be used by the person to whom it was issued and is not transferable.
  • The Digital Card is only usable at a certain location if the logo of that location is visible on the Card.
  • Where internet connectivity is unavailable, taking a picture of the card with the venue’s name on it is permitted.
  • Can be cancelled at any time if misuse is detected
  • No physical card or digital card may be copied or otherwise duplicated,
  • -Only valid for goods and services bought directly, not through a booking agent, Your Card may be used at all venues again within its validity period
  • not be utilised to produce benefits redeemable for cash or credits toward other goods or services
  • can be cancelled at any time if misuse is detected
  • -It is illegal to copy or duplicate either the physical card or the digital card in any way and doing so would be considered fraud.
  • The business can cancel or change the conditions at any time



  • Maximum of ONE Card and ONE bill per table, unless otherwise specified on venue sites, so staff won’t need to recalculate the amount owed. Please produce your Card BEFORE your bill is prepared.
  • Unless otherwise specified on specific venue sites, excludes set-price menus and take-out.
  • Not applicable on Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day, or any other special occasions that are stated under Special Conditions in the Conditions Section on individual venue sites, as well as on public holidays and other days that are marked as such.
  • Once the offer is applied, all taxes or fees will be computed on the total sum.
  • If a free main course (or free food item) promotion is applicable, at least two main courses (or food items) must be ordered, and the main course (or food item) that is taken off the bill must be equivalent to or close to the price of the main course that is most expensive (or Food Item ordered). The cardholder must dine with at least one other person to qualify for this deal.

Opening Hours

Online Shop

Contact Info

96 000 750



Location/ Address

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