
We are glad to introduce the

Larnaca City discount card

Simply pay less while using the digital card and you won’t have to worry about carrying any card as it will be on your phone.

Enjoy exclusive offers and special prices from our partners.
The list of our partners will be frequently expanding.

With a small cost you can choose your membership.
It can be valid either for 6 months or for a year.

With our DIGITAL DISCOUNT CARD you can save your money and in the same time use the unique privileges from our partners.

  • Access to newly added businesses
  • Recurring membership
  • 1 year full access to partners discounts
  • 7 Day refund
  • Full support
Six months Plan
€ 35
  • Access to newly added businesses
  • Recurring Membership
  • 1 year full access to partners discounts
  • 7 Day Refund
  • Full Support
Yearly Membership Plan
€ 60
  • Access to newly added businesses
  • Recurring membership
  • 1 year full access to partners discounts
  • 7 Day Refund
  • Full support
Test Maps
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F749EBE0 8887 4727 B97A B8A4A3A214D1
Some of the categories that you will have access to privileges and discounts so you will never pay the full price again include

Yacht tickets

Clothes shopping

Cleaning services

Sunglasses shopping

Toys for babies and kids

Delicious coffees and meals

Haircut services

And many more

Why Choose Us


By subscribing, you can potentially save money on products and services you are interested in.


We offer information about businesses in our locations and special discounts. This can save time and effort compared to having to search for information and discounts separately.

Exclusive Discounts

Paid subscribers will have access to exclusive discounts that are not available to non-subscribers.

Support local businesses

By becoming a paid subscriber with us, you will be Supporting Local Businesses, you will be contributing to the growth and success of businesses in our community.

For business owners

There is no charge for businesses to be included in the program. Feel free to contact us and we will list your business for free.

Trusted By

This is a place to showcase the logos of some of your clients

Save Big

Save big with our exclusive discount codes for members

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